La Baume – La Palmeraie simplifies your daily routine with a grocer’s shop and a bakery / pastry service.
On site, you will find all your basic necessities, many of them made fresh! The campground’s convenience store has well-stocked sections of groceries, seasonal fruit and vegetables, beverages and ice cream. Campers can also stock up on gas for their grills there.
Do you enjoy crispy breakfasts and toothsome desserts? Our bakery / pastry corner offers delicious products prepared fresh each day.
Open in July and August from 8 am to 7:45 pm, the grocer’s is also available to you in the low season.
Your 5-star campground and 3-star tourist residence in Fréjus and present the “Bazaar”, where you will find everything you need... or just about!
There, you can buy French and international press, souvenirs, photos, postcards and stamps. Toys and beach gear are also sold there so you can have even more fun with family and friends.
The Bazaar also hires out fans, petanque balls, tennis balls and rackets.
Open in July and August in July and August from 9 am to 7:30 pm and reduced hours in the low season.
Why not go for a lovely sarong in beautiful summer tones? Or how about a new swimming costume to get the best possible tan, or a lightweight outfit you can wear to one of our fabulous water complexes or one of the beaches close to the campground?
The clothing shop at La Baume – La Palmeraie is the ideal spot to find just the right garment. All the fits, colours and materials are designed so you can treat yourself during your holiday on the French Riviera!
Open from 9 am to 7:30 pm in July and August.
To enhance your stay, we offer a wide choice of rental bikes, tricycles and scooters (classic).
No matter the age, you will find a vehicle adapted to your desires, whether it is to practice an activity in the campsite or for your walks.
We also have a PMR vehicle for people with reduced mobility and 2 125cc E-scooters.
Our workshop can also take care of the maintenance and small repairs of your personal bikes.
Do not hesitate to contact LAURENT at, contact.emoov@gmail.com or directly at the shop during opening hours (to be consulted on site). He will do his best to meet your expectations.
For information: the rental of TVs and/or aerials will now be offered at the EMOOV store.